Proval Dance


  • 100% made to measure

  • adjustable seatsling

  • Scissor brakes or push/pull brakes

  • Removable or welded clothing protectors

  • 24 inch rear wheels with high double rim wall

  • if you want a wheelchair for a special sport, please let us know


  • Short or long wheelbase

  • 3,4 or 5 inch front wheels

  • Angle adjustable, foldable or welded backrest

  • Seat width from 26 cm

  • Camber from 2 to 20 degrees

  • Height and angle adjustable footplate

  • Choice of more than 200 colors



  • 100% custom made

  • adjustable seatsling

  • Scissor brakes or push/pull brakes

  • Removable or welded clothing protectors

  • 24 inch rear wheels with high double rim wall

  • if you want a wheelchair for a special sport, please let us know


  • Short or long wheelbase

  • 3,4 or 5 inch front wheels

  • Angle adjustable, foldable or welded backrest

  • Seat width from 26 cm

  • Camber from 2 to 20 degrees

  • Height and angle adjustable footplate

  • Choice of more than 200 colors


multiple views

360′ view

you can click and drag the image below
and another click to zoom

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you can click and drag the image below

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If you would like to know more about this chair, or acquire information about purchasing this model, please let us know and we will get in contact with you.